It has come to my attention that many people don't know what Boudoir photography is. They may know what type of photos they want but they are not sure what key words they should search when they are looking for a photographer on the internet. I don't know who the first photographer was that started calling it boudoir but the name has stuck and it is catching on. The hope is that soon everyone will know the term. Boudoir encompasses many different types of photography including couples and men not just women. It can also include erotic fantasy types of shoots. Got handcuffs? Don't be afraid to bring um to the shoot! LOL it all depends on what you and your photographer are comfortable with. Don't be afraid to ask if you want something a bit out of the ordinary! Often the photographer will see it as a chance to do something different and get artistic with it. Feel free to spread the word about this beautiful forum of photography, go ahead and post about it on your blog, facebook page or twitter. Photographers are trying to get the word out about what boudoir is, we can use all the help we can get! Remember a good place to search for boudoir photographers in your area is to check out there you will find some of the best boudoir photographers in the country listed by state.